Thread for irrational dislikes


New member
Jul 5, 2013
I don't like tables with ultra repetitive vocal lines, like one in Microsft Pinball Arcade, where a guy with southern accent (like a cowboy) keep repeting "you sure wants to go for that ramp shot!", or something like that.

That would be Cue Ball Wizard. And considering the amount of times you'll end up not hitting said ramp, you'll be hearing that A LOT.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I really can't stand that Tee'd Off music. It's like a "wacky" soundtrack to a bad comedy. So bad that the music is trying to make up for the lack of humor. All that's missing is a slide whistle.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I really can't stand that Tee'd Off music. It's like a "wacky" soundtrack to a bad comedy. So bad that the music is trying to make up for the lack of humor. All that's missing is a slide whistle.

When you go up the ramps!


New member
Aug 10, 2013
I've played WoZ. It was ok, but the screen is quite over-the-top, IMO.

I have to agree. I'm playing pinball, not a bloody slot machine... I don't think the LCD hate is irrational. Even some DMD tables take the display too seriously. Animation is fine, but 90% of the time all I want to see is the score and what ball I'm on.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
If DMDs have a small space in the corner dedicate to you score, it would be fine. But some DMDs barely ever display it. The newest Zen Tables are the worst for that.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Also displaying your score after the game ended.
Just yesterday I had to wait at least 3 minutes for WCS94 to finish looping through all the high scores, fireworks, logos and other animations several times before displaying the last score someone made for just a couple of seconds, so the guy could write it down for the competition and I could start my game.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Also displaying your score after the game ended.
Just yesterday I had to wait at least 3 minutes for WCS94 to finish looping through all the high scores, fireworks, logos and other animations several times before displaying the last score someone made for just a couple of seconds, so the guy could write it down for the competition and I could start my game.

Exact same thing happened to me for Data East Star Trek. Takes forever. When it appeared, I almost shouted at the witness "THERE IT IS!" because she was looking away at the time.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Oh! The title music. It's so painfully dull and generic. I wish they'd change it back so that it plays the music from a random table, or from the last one you played or whatever it was. The old menu was slower to navigate but its presentation was much nicer.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Ten seconds counting down... one more shot to make... ah, it went in the bumpers and isn't keen on leaving them.

Yesterday on Zen Pinball I had twenty seconds stolen from me because the ball went to the bumpers.


New member
Sep 21, 2015
Multiball in cramped playfields. White Water is the worst for this, but Twilight Zone is a real pain in the neck as well (AFM, on the other hand, is terrific).

I really can't stand that Tee'd Off music. It's like a "wacky" soundtrack to a bad comedy. So bad that the music is trying to make up for the lack of humor. All that's missing is a slide whistle.

It's zero percent irrational to hate anything about Tee'd Off, though I do find it kind of fascinating to play. The layout is pretty good but everything else about it is total fremdschamen; the humor, the call-outs, the art (ugh). It's like the pinball equivalent of a Garfield strip.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Gottlieb's 'Extra Ball' lights. They keep blinking instead of being solidly lit all the time. What's up with that?


New member
Aug 2, 2014
I also can't stand Stern's photoshop tables. I get the use of non-actors sound bytes, that's a money thing. But the tables are visually hideous and don't age well.

For the most part I dont like plastic ramps, wire-form all the way... Although honestly this just applies to Stern (sigh). Stern tables just look like junk.

Plastic playfield toys that look like someone glued a crappy action figure to the table *cough*stern*cough

Ummm, more generally I'm not a fan of the ball-launcher button or "fire"/"smart-missile" buttons.

Flippers that can't cradle balls because there's a gap behind them.

But, my number-one irrational dislike: Dad Humor. So many tables have weaaaak dad humor/jokes. Stuff your uncle thinks is funny. Lame, outdated references and jokes. Anything "Python-esque." Totally puts me off Medieval Madness, makes certain tables harder to like.

Bonus: Pinball Wizard. You can't escape it. Song sucks.

Btw, KISS looks great. Goodjob, Stern. More like this, please.


New member
Sep 21, 2015
But, my number-one irrational dislike: Dad Humor. So many tables have weaaaak dad humor/jokes. Stuff your uncle thinks is funny. Lame, outdated references and jokes. Anything "Python-esque." Totally puts me off Medieval Madness, makes certain tables harder to like.

Every time I play Medieval Madness I think, at some point, man, my dad would love this. I grew up with all that stuff so I find it charming but I'd love to see a table with more modern humor that isn't Family Guy (ugh).

Speaking of dads, something that drives me nuts/kinda actually really irks me about pinball and the pinball community is this weird obsession with porny, boob-filled pinball machines. It feels totally out of the 70s. Like, what are you going to do, have sex with the machine? It seems especially bad in the actual pinball-owning community, because buying/upkeeping a pinball machine takes a lot of money, so it's like 99% middle-aged men with "man caves".

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