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  1. H

    Table #52 Speculation

    NBA Fastbreak needs to happen. I finally got to play one IRL a few months ago. Such a fun, unique table I, also, crave Rollergames and Radical.
  2. H

    Stern Pinball Arcade for Gear VR

    It's ridiculous that they don't let you try a table before you buy it.
  3. H

    First Impressions...

    How dare you! Judge Dredd and The Getaway!? I always have fun playing LAH, too.. Indy 500 is awesome, though. I've played it a few times IRL, just recently, in fact. Getting 3B is HARD, though. I definitely hit posts a lot more than I'd like and tend to drain trying to make the 3rd ramp...
  4. H

    Stern Pinball Arcade for Gear VR

    I have found that if I put my Galaxy Note 5 in airplane mode (but enable bluetooth for the controller) that I can get Frankenstein to run pretty smoothly, even in multiball. I bought Starship Troopers and it runs really bad, so I haven't bought others. Really wanted to play Star Trek, too. The...
  5. H

    Why did Farsight Remove The Option To Disable Menu Music On IOS?

    When they new UI released iOS had the option to disable Menu Music, Table Music and Sound individually. We didn't have that option with the old UI. A recent update seems to have removed this option. Now you can only toggle Sound on and off, as before. That mutes everything. Now granted, there...
  6. H

    Can We Be Done With The Gottlieb Premiers Now?

    Guess what? Frank Thomas' Big Hurt is the next table. Another mediocre Gottlieb Premiere! I'm convinced they are doing these because they can get them for really cheap. They certainly aren't essential pins that need to be preserved digitally when we still have a lot of missing System 11...
  7. H

    Table #52 Speculation

    Another Gottlieb Premiere!? ARGH. The only really nice thing about this addition is that Baseball is a theme we haven't seen,
  8. H

    Indy 500 Twitchstream

    I really hate when they say a table is going to be released on a given date and then don't update users when a platform is delayed. Like, how hard is it to fire a tweet saying, "iOS users, table will be up after the weekend" or whatever instead of leaving us out to dry?
  9. H

    Indy 500 Twitchstream

    11PM EST and not on iOS. Guess I'm waiting til Tuesday, July 5th for the June table.
  10. H

    Can We Be Done With The Gottlieb Premiers Now?

    Not the EMs. I'm really talking about Gottlieb Premiere.
  11. H

    Indy 500 Twitchstream

    Sometimes it goes up really late. Like, 10pm. If it's not up by then could be Monday.
  12. H

    Getting tired of all the buggy tables

    Seems like you're trolling...
  13. H

    Tommy Pinball ( Like you have never seen it before )

    Oh sure, no doubt. I realize it's way more work than anyone thinks it is. I was just curious about what was involved specifically with adapting a real table. I doubt I'll ever actually make anything :) but i'm still interested in the process.
  14. H

    Getting tired of all the buggy tables

    Yup, as I said in the UI thread, hope you are cool with how it is because they aren't going to fix anything for months/years (depending on the platform). "Please Be Excited! Buy Stern Pinball Arcade!"
  15. H

    Hi score not recording

    Welp! Doubt they'll fix it anytime soon. Add it to the enormous pile!
  16. H

    new layout/update

    Yeah, I'm not seeing how it's "retro". You mean retro like a DVD menu from 1999?
  17. H

    new layout/update

    Neither of these things will happen. Feedback was pretty negative when they previewed the new UI almost a year ago. People were saying a lot of the same things back then. They didn't listen to any if it, it looks the same. They truly do not understand how to build a modern interface and don't...
  18. H

    Hi score not recording

    I've had this problem on iPad as well. Notably LAH.
  19. H

    Plateaus and Breakthroughs

    I recently just went through a very long plateau period where I just didn't feel like I was getting any better at TPA or IRL pinball. It was frustrating, to say the least. Then, all of sudden, I started smashing all my scores almost overnight. I don't know what changed, but it's probably...

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