Some developers in the past have had apparent optimisation issues when their games were on external storage. I know Runbow had that problem of occasional pauses, but they fixed that in an update, so if that's the cause, Farsight should hopefully be able to address it.
Yeah if they add DMD on the gamepad I think Pro Controller support needs to be in place. I had hoped to put my Gamepad in a stand and position it below the TV so I could switch focus without looking into my lap.
Awesome. NX isn't a big likelihood for me unless it's backwards-compatible, which doesn't sound likely. I've got such a backlog I can go for years without a new machine anyway.
I'll be loading up my Wii U with tables - I may even buy the three I skipped on iOS last season!
Can't say I'm surprised. I expect if Zen didn't already have their deal pre-sale they'd have no hope of getting one either. Given the rights split that pretty well rules this table out at the moment.
Well Capcom was able to re-create DuckTales on multiple console platforms, so Disney can't be that hard to talk to. Granted Indiana Jones is a much bigger property, but I suspect the only thing impossible about Disney is proving you'll get a decent enough return to be worth talking to. Farsight...
The Data East Star Wars isn't the most attractive table, but I did find it a lot of fun and quite amusing. I'd love to see it in The Pinball Arcade, but I don't know if Disney owning the rights would make a license easier or harder to obtain?
The TX backglass art looks lame, but that seems to be a feature of a couple of those tables (Class of 1812 and Lights, Camera, Action have to be two of the most hideous tables I've seen art-wise). The playfield looks decent though, with plenty of drop targets and that's not a bad thing.
iOS is my primary platform, though when the Wii U version is available in Europe that may change. Given the code base is likely the same as PS3/Xbox 360, I have to ask if those have adjustable lighting? If so that will be awesome!
I've watched that review twice and the table looks great to me. I love the early solid state machines, especially in low-light. It just makes me wish for a "dark room" mode all the more when watch those video reviews!
Wow, that's not bad and a table I really like. Can you purchase by season or just individual packs? Does it work like Zen where you need to first download the table ("demo") and then the purchase just unlocks it?
I'm hoping the European release is next month at the outside. Nice that I'll have...
I got Zen 2 because of the Marvel tables. They can be a bit hit-and-miss with the layouts and some of them have rather difficult shots to hit. For my money the ones I've enjoyed the most are Blade, Ghost Rider and Moon Knight. Spider-Man and Wolverine are also pretty good. I've not tried...
I got Kickstarter emails for both Twilight Zone and Star Trek TNG, which I backed at levels to enable all-console rewards, so they'll at least be up through season three. I'd be surprised if it wasn't through season five, though I'll be more surprised if season 6 tables are on offer.
I don't...
Well season four was the first one where I skipped tables (three still unpurchased) so five has been a better one from that perspective, though there were some nice tables last season. The EM two pack was a very welcome surprise, so more of those please!
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