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  1. B

    DLC Release Date

    I'm a bit disappointed that Farsight hasn't posted here on the matter. I know they made the post on facebook, but it would be nice to hear more on the issues. Nothing in the newsletter either. :(
  2. B

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    ugh. I was hoping for more info on the 360 updates in the newsletter, but nothing. Now they are TBA and nothing from Farsight since the optimizing tables for Xbox comment from Facebook?
  3. B

    What about Big Bang Bar?

    From what I read, most of CC's pinball machines aren't too good, though I heard they made some good pitch and bat machines.
  4. B

    What about Big Bang Bar?

    Farsight already has the rights to Chicago Coin. I asked FS about it and they said it's covered by the Stern license.
  5. B

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    As far as I can tell, none of the DLC packs on 360 have demos either.
  6. B

    Hardcore Mode

    Pinball FX2/Zen have simulated spin and it didn't stop them from selling well. I feel something is wrong when there are worries about ruining the game forever over things that may be important to making the game the best it possibly could be.
  7. B

    Modern Pinballs from 1991-2012 prefered pls

    I like older and newer pinball games. I would love to see EMs in Pinball arcade, especially ones from the 70s (when they had 3 inch flippers and drop targets). I definitely want to see some Gottlieb machines, but I like some from Bally and Williams, as well. I also like 50s and 60s machines and...
  8. B

    Pick your favorite yet to be confirmed non-licensed tables

    White Water Cue Ball Wizard Eight Ball Deluxe Royal Flush Cactus Canyon Queen of Hearts Slick Chick Fireball King of Diamonds Bank Shot 4 Million BC Cyclone Bad Cats Big Guns Xenon
  9. B

    Rock N Roll tables. . . . .Pick four!!!

    The poll is missing rock themed EMs like Captain Fantastic (Elton John) and Wizard (based on The Who's Tommy). Those are lacking music anyway, but they both sound like fun tables. My favorite of the ones on the list is AC/DC (especially the LE), though. Should tables like Party Animal and Party...
  10. B

    Older Solid State Tables

    Maybe this should have been pre 1985? I noticed a few omissions on the poll like Centuar and Galaxy, as well.
  11. B

    DLC Pack 6?

    Captain B. Zarr is the animatronic talking head in Party Zone.
  12. B

    DLC Pack 6?

    It would be funny if the friend turned out to be Captain B. Zarr. Come to think of it, going by that logic, Dr. Dude could be the friend.
  13. B

    DLC Pack 6?

    I doubt it's the case, but it would be cool if the friend they were talking about was the former Governator. It would be interesting if it was Carlene Carter for Red and Ted too. I wonder if Jeanette Lee for Sharkey's Shootout is a possibility. I'm guessing it's one of the Elvira tables. I hope...
  14. B

    Any chance of recreating newer Stern Pinball Tables?

    I haven't listened to AC/DC before playing the table, and I still enjoy it quite a bit. It reminds me of other Steve Ritchie tables in some ways and I love how the LE has the bottom playfied (though it's similar to the bottom playfied of Nightmare Mansion in Pinball FX2). This might sound odd...
  15. B

    Truly terrible tables

    Hercules is bad. Aside from the odd physics with the pool ball, the ruleset is a one trick pony, as well.
  16. B

    Which tables are NOT a possibility?

    This is getting old. You say that about half the older pins out there. I thought it was pretty good myself. Not the best table out there, but far from the worst. There are plenty of tables I rather see, but I'm tired of these posts that serve no other purpose than to hate on older tables.
  17. B

    Which tables are NOT a possibility?

    Given the recent politicial issues with Ted Nugent, I don't think Nugent is very likely.
  18. B

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On Silverball Studios' Pro Pinball: Revived & Remastered

    The Web is also on Saturn. I have all of them on PC, except for The Web. I still need to get that one.
  19. B

    Request General Wish List Thread

    Not sure if this is the right place, but maybe it would help to take the glass off and test out features on unscripted tables to compare to the TPA versions? It would probably help out with the missing sounds. I think ipdb may have some of the rulesets, as well and I'm sure someone on the VP...
  20. B

    ST:TNG Kickstarter is (now complete)!

    Wow, some of those posts make me shake my head. How the heck did the post about the physics and the post calling Kickstarter a scam actually get voted up?

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