Did Scientific Games not renewing the license have anything to do with Switch, or was it unrelated? It's frustrating that they pulled the license. It seems the company focuses on Gambling rather than Pinball. Another Konami that cares more for gambling machines than actual games?
I recommend...
At least I have a good chunk of Williams tables on the Steam version (seasons 1-5) and season 1 for PS4. I was also surprised to see the DX11 version start running smoother on my lowly laptop recently. Too bad about the Switch, but at least there's Stern Pinball Arcade.
Any chance of Stern Pinball Arcade turning into the standard Pinball Arcade on Switch? Stern tables will probably be a good chunk of Pinball Arcade with Williams leaving. I wish companies weren't so stingy about the switch.
The odd thing is that I was able to use the d-pad on 8bitdo Zero and iCade Mobile to nudge a couple updates ago, but now it's back to left and right for nudge with a couple of the buttons. I'm guessing there won't be an update for 8bitdo Zero (the buttons are reversed, though a program on the...
Not on Android, but on Steam one update had a changed version of Black Hole with more accurate sounds and then Black Hole went back to previous sounds and HUD. I haven't played on Android too much yet, but I like how it runs. Looks about as good as it does on the iPad 4.
I would like to play Flash, Diner, Mousin' Around, Centuar, Alien Poker, Meteor, Flight 2000, Seawitch, Joust, Jungle Lord, and Swords of Fury.
(forgot I played a modded version of Fathom at Flippers)
At least 360 is coming back and PC has low requirements. I'm shocked by how good the iPad 1 version of Pinball Arcade is, especially considering how it ran when it first came out. As far as next gen goes, I'm more interested in PS4 than Xbox One. Vita is more attractive than it was at launch...
I'm not sure if it's all that cut and dry. It has a slower clock speed, but different processors aren't always comparable. I remember hearing similar things back during the GameCube days, but ports to GCN outdid ports to PS2 when developers didn't just take the easy way out and port everything...
I doubt this is the case, especially since Pinball Arcade is on systems less powerful than the WiiU like Android and iOS. I think it has more to do with how WiiU is less popular than other systems and not as powerful as PS4 or Xbox 1.
The 3DS one was the one cancelled for the system being less...
I like the PC ports of Fantasies and Illusions, but the PC Pinball Dreams makes changes to the tables and physics for the worse. I like the iOS Dreams (which is a good port of the original Amiga version) a lot better.
Just looking at the specs doesn't tell me much, since different processers run at different speeds. CPU sounds comparable to 360. Looking at the specs give me the impression that it's the GPU is slower, but I heard it both ways (I love Psych).
Not cool. I don't agree on the WiiU stance...
Farsight's post from the Facebook page:
"The wii-u should not be considered a true "next-gen" or now "current-gen" system, the power just isn't there, it's more like a wii 1.5 with an updated controller. This isn't to say that we aren't still interested in developing for it, just that no one...
I voted Cyclone, but I would like to see all three. Frustrating that PlayTime made a handheld licensed from Earthshaker that had nothing to do with the actual pinball machine.
I voted Cyclone since I haven't played Diner yet, but I would definitely like to see all three. Last I checked, Diner overtook Earthshaker in the polls, but I'm not sure if it will stay that way.
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