A VERY dangerous thread!

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Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
PS3 owner only (at the moment) currently on v2.07

1. ball collision problems when two balls hit (balls hit with a gap at times and is not lag related im pretty sure). another thing is (example) there is a post in CFTBL by snack bar that bounces too strongly off of resulting in the ball bouncing off at greater speed then when it hit it.

2. flipper gap and flipper fix still not added on MM but i am sure it will get in eventually, many things like right wire ramp is fixed on MM and am vary happy with that (i have to add positive in my comments too).

3. certain cosmetics on tables added. example NGG and others do not have light reflections on large lights (MM & TOTAN look beautiful). black knight and others need some higher rez textures then what's there.

4. the flipper lag is not always there but it seems to pop in now and then the best way i can explain it is the flipper will delay for like half a second or less out of 4-8 times now i do play other pinball games that do not do this. to be fair it does seem to be better in recent patches tho.

5. Flipper physics/tricks are coming i know and i am vary excited about that ;) i could swear ball is heavier right now and its making things better like TOTAN spiral ramp not making the ball go back and forth 10 times like it used to when slowing.

6. Separate leader boards for ps3, we do not want mobile Cheat Engine gabage scores on our ps3 scoreboard.

7. option to turn off 2 stage flipper


1. light/dark slider implemented would be vary nice (don't put in pro not getting that for vary Obvious Reason).

2. enhance the ball noises (heavy rolling noise, collision). flipper sounds too.

will edit this reply if i think of anything else, we should have done this
sorry if it seems long but i have to explain myself as properly as i can
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New member
Aug 9, 2012
1. Day / night slider
2. Fix nudge on ipad
3. Icade support
4. Fix bugs that have been reported over and over again

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
1. Fix bugs. (Including graphical bugs! Objects or decals clipping through each other, things like posts and plastics that are missing altogether, misaligned light decals, etc.)

2. Return to older tables and update the physics to the excellent standard we see in current releases.

3. Implement more diverse graphical settings on Android to allow users to tailor the game to their devices. Things like high-res textures and meshes, better lighting options. Possibly resolution settings as well?

4. Allow users to configure and save camera angles on a per-table basis. Even one or two slots per table would be awesome.

5. More realistic physical pinball sounds.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
1. Improve the UI, on both console and iOS. It's really letting the whole product down. It needs a complete makeover.

2. Ball shadows on iPad versions. Without them, the balls look too fake.

3. Nudging/tilting on iPad. I don't play these versions much because I can't really control the table.

4. Background environment. At the moment, the graphics are very basic, and ugly.



Jul 11, 2012
How is this DANGEROUS!? Rob...does Bobby not know of this? :p I wonder if he's just sitting back taking daily tallies of this and converting it to a PIE chart to present....mobile problems are definitely more prominent, but how about show the CONSOLE love, We Made You! Yeah I owned Mojo!


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
1) Zero frame delay (flipper lag) at 1080p on PS3 : ) (so I don't have to keep playing at 720p!)
2) Flippers that can do live catches
3) Volume control (PS3)
4) A tournament mode with the usual settings (no extra balls, etc), and that can be played stand-alone, and with its own leaderboard
5) Ball spin


New member
Jul 18, 2012
1. A controller that connects to my brain and I can activate the flipper with my thoghts.
2. A TPA that brings breakfast to bed
3. I want TPA to be my caddie when I play golf and properly aids me on what golf club needs to be used depending on weather conditions



New member
Nov 19, 2012
To quote another thread
Feature Request: replays.

I'd LOVE to watch other people's games!

(Could be done using virtual-joysticks method. No video transfer required. Very bandwidth and server friendly.)

I mentioned this before as well, it's very high on my list!
I don't think it makes any sense NOT to have replays! Most score based games like shoot'em ups, have a save replay feature, and people usually love watching other people play pinball, as well as it's a good tool for identifying your own weaknesses.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Pacman CE deluxe has this feature on Xbox Live. Was a great way for spotting the leaderboard hackers. Not sure how workable it would be for TPA though as quite a lot of data would have to be uploaded after each game?


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Typically, not every leaderboard entry goes with a replay, only the top few ones.
Of course local saves are always possible.

I love downloading replays from the top high scores on the leaderboards of various Cave shooters on Xbox360, studying them, and practicing their techniques for myself. Though a very long game of pinball might grow a bit more repetitive, I still feel that the same basic idea would easily apply. There's a lot of strategy into many of these tables, both when it comes to rules and ball control.
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New member
Apr 6, 2012
Not sure how workable it would be for TPA though as quite a lot of data would have to be uploaded after each game?

Surprisingly little data needs to be sent. Kilobytes, rather than MB.

Just a little bit of set-up data (the random seed, versioning, scores, checksumming, etc.) then pretty much all you send is the encoded inputs.

In this case, that's the controller presses or screen touches. Happily, there's not many of them in a pinball game (relative to other games) and they encode/compress really well.

I'd be surprised if FS didn't already use a film/replay system as part of their debugging.

Films using this system (probably) wouldn't be cross-platform compatible -- they require a perfectly deterministic system -- but there'd be no problem with, say, sharing films between 360 users.


New member
May 28, 2012
Medieval Madness that the flippers are too far apart. link to the thread (xbox 360)
Taxi too?

Make original, please

MM table is to hard for me for Wizard goals.

Rom setup DMD screen language change (original rom english, german, .....)
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
The iOS looks as good as its gunna look. You can't do a proper lighting engine without breaking older i devices.

The game looks great. It's colorful and a nice change from the dark consoles.

You say it looks flat I say it looks clean and gorgeous, like a Dreamcast game. And it's buttery smooth 60 fps. You want advanced graphics get a console.


New member
May 18, 2012
You want advanced graphics get a console.

Nonsense. There is a lot more possible on the mobile platforms than TPA is showing us. Wait for the release of Pro Pinball and see what CAN be done.
Pre-rendered is the way to go if you want the best graphics. I don't understand the need for dynamic graphics in a pinball game, the constant hovering of the camera over a table, is that real-life simulation? I always play with fixed camera. If TPA would release 1 table, pre-rendered, in the same quality as Pro Pinball, with all the juicy high-polished graphics and lighting simulation, I bet the poll-votes for future pre-rendered TPA tables are gonna be sky-high. Dynamic graphics are always a compromise, with pre-rendered you can go all the way.

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
*Taxi - The Plunger never hits 100 after the 2.06 update.

*Bride of Pinbot - When game is over if you have a ball on the Bride the sound of the ball is heard but the music shuts down.

*Both MM and CV - Fix flipper separation.

*Save Camera Angles

*Table Presentation on the Menu


New member
Jul 20, 2012
CV (iOS) - the horrific high wire multiball bug
SS (iOS) - cyclical eject and invisible hand that pushes ball up to the deadheads.

Day to Night slider sounds wonderful

Better user interface, since your database of games is growing. Sortable, favorites, etc. Maybe you can rate the individual tables as well?

Movable nudge area, launch buttons, etc.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
For iOS,

1) please make a user definable nudge-area and extra button. For nudge area I'm talking about at the config screen, let us see square area overlay whose size is definable. So we can define the effective area of nudge and flippeprs. Please even allow for "null zone" where touching such area will do nothing. Magna save and all those extra buttons should allow the user to decide where they're located, too.

2) Please also save the setting par table base.

3) Camera angles/distances are so inconsistent. Please let us define them and store par table basis as well.
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