Good news!


Nik Barbour

I find it troubling that FS has a publisher, but for whatever reason can't even share who they are, even one month later.
I hope that doesn't mean the new tables haven't even been submitted to Microsoft yet.

It means exactly that...
From PiNWiZ's last news post.

• FarSight is still waiting for their new publisher to give them permission to start submitting content for the Xbox 360 to Microsoft.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
The publisher isn't letting them submit to Microsoft - I'm guessing they're a lot more hands on and have experience with the whole process, and they probably have certain quality standards that are required to be met in order to give Microsoft a submission that will probably make it through.

Think of all the bugs TPA has and the ones that a publisher's QA team could find, and they're probably submitting daily builds in order to get something decent put together. Microsoft doesn't allow for frequent update cycles (for various reasons) so what's in the store has to meet a certain quality bar. The publisher can easily make a higher one as their name is on it.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
That makes sense. I just wish we would hear something soon.
All this behind-closed-doors business is making me nervous.



New member
Sep 22, 2012
remember this is just as frustrating for FR as it is for us. FS are likely desperate to tell us news to keep us interested and protect their baby. But the legalities of signing a new publisher means they cannot yet communicate anything.

I do however think the newsletter should have just repeated the previous update if nothing else.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
As Tom Petty loves to sing..."The Waiting is the hardest part..."
I plan on buying every table that comes out on the 360,so hopefully the wait won't be too much longer. I think my wish to have something for my birthday is looking grim,though....


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It sure is frustrating, while i do enjoy the tables on my "microscopic" screen, the XBOX is my platform of choice.

My GF is going to hate me once they drop a new table pack.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
legal stuff out of the way earliest end of the month, submission process and approval probably another month - so I still reckon March ;) Hopefully I will be proved wrong though.

Nik Barbour

I think I've given up on xbox now.
With March/April being the absolute earliest re-release, and then packs only being released in probably fortnightly segments, plus we now know it's replacement will be here in less than 12 months. I don't think I'll buy xbox dlc now (Xmas was my decided deadline).

I don't have the patience to wait. I've got a good Android tablet recently, and will just focus on this platform now.
Sure the nudging is better on xbox, but it's good on Android using a controller. Plus portrait orientation is a lot better than 'low down' landscape, portrait actually looks like a real table when you're stood at one.

I still want my Kickstarter rewards which I picked for xbox, but won't bother with the additional dlc.
I've got a playable version of Black Knight through buying the Williams collection, and will still buy Zen tables, but should have bought a tablet first instead of getting the Xbox.

Sad, as I was really excited to get this last year.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
:) I reckon once you see the screen shots and videos you won't be able to resist a few purchases. Plus I'm hoping FS add something "special" that will entice and make up for the delay.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
I think I've given up on xbox now.
With March/April being the absolute earliest re-release, and then packs only being released in probably fortnightly segments, plus we now know it's replacement will be here in less than 12 months. I don't think I'll buy xbox dlc now (Xmas was my decided deadline).

I don't have the patience to wait. I've got a good Android tablet recently, and will just focus on this platform now.
Sure the nudging is better on xbox, but it's good on Android using a controller. Plus portrait orientation is a lot better than 'low down' landscape, portrait actually looks like a real table when you're stood at one.

I still want my Kickstarter rewards which I picked for xbox, but won't bother with the additional dlc.
I've got a playable version of Black Knight through buying the Williams collection, and will still buy Zen tables, but should have bought a tablet first instead of getting the Xbox.

Sad, as I was really excited to get this last year.

Don't give up, Nik! Honestly just keep your expectations down for an early release of the game and focus on your other devices. It works for me. Well, I still have the PS3 version and the IPad to choose from. So the 360 tables isn't really bothering me. I still will buy them once they release though. I have more than enough money to buy all of the tables at once for the 360. I know patience is wearing thin around here for the Xbox, but we're still getting the DLC.

Nik Barbour

I'd imagine quite a few of the more dedicated players will have already jumped to other platforms by now whether they've had to buy hardware to do it, or already had an alternative there (I'm fairly patient, but I've been looking at other systems ever since the publisher news came out). However luckily for Farsight, I'd imagine we're quite a small minority in the sales stakes.
I think the relaunch, if done right, and with good advertising and playing on achievements made (TZ & STTNG) will be good and profitable for Farsight, mainly from people who haven't yet found TPA.

But I won't spend anymore on this platform personally, it's just too late, especially with its replacement now in the pipeline.
I'd be more tempted to wait 6 months and get a lowered price wi-u.
At least that console will see through TPA's run.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
I'm hoping the 360 has another 18 months left in it - I can see the replacement getting delayed. I certainly won't be an early adopter for the new one. The Wii-U launch really hasn't grabbed me at all.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Even if the next one is released at the end of the year, there's still 360 games in the pipeline so it'll be viable for at least 18 months (which is only 6 months beyond the expected release date).

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
So the new Xbox is coming. Um, so? Is TPA on it? Didn't think so. So who cares.

New PlayStation is coming as well. Why does that mean abandoning TPA?

No offense Nik but you're giving up now? It's the home stretch dude. We could be as close as a month away. I could understand back in October or November of last year getting a PS3 if you couldn't wait, but why now why in the home stretch when we have actual information and a tenative time frame?

I bought all the tables for my iPhone, something I would have never done tbh if I had this on my Xbox, but with the new support for iCade, the next two months aren't even gunna bother me at all wait wise.

I do agree, releasing the DLC piecemeal is BS. After all this waiting just get it out there, in one big update. That or at least, at the very worst, it should be 1 DLC table pack per week, AT WORST. No sense punishing us who've stuck by you for this long.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Where did this information come from? Has there been an official announcement from MS?

It's coming late this year.

And PS4 is either late this year as well or very early next year.

It's all over the internet. Major Nelson even has a countdown to the official announcement.

Doesn't mean anyone should be selling their Xboxes or PS3's! There's a strong chance that neither next generation console will have backwards compatibility, and we don't know (I'd say it's doubtful) that TPA will be ported to next gen. If one person would have that information though it's Shutyertrap, he'd have seen an Orbis or Durango dev kit on his little trip, but I doubt he'd tell you unless you were like his wife or brother lol.
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Nik Barbour

No offense Nik but you're giving up now

I don't want to keep repeating myself, I think i said most of this on other threads before, so sorry in advance, but to explain why...

I gave up on Xbox early December. I bought the xbox in about June last year mainly to give me a decent platform to play TPA on (was playing on an elderly android mobile previously) .
I've been involved for a while with Android, so when Nexus 7 was announced August-ish or late July with its amazing spec for half ipad price, I wished I'd bought the tablet instead of the xbox (but woulda, coulda, shoulda), the ensuing dlc draught and ongoing fiasco just reinforced that further.
With no fixed dates for resolution and others saying change of publisher can take years to resolve, I decided to go with Android at Xmas.
Reasons why:-
I already own all the tables (no repurchase costs).
Its mobile (the bulk of my playtime is on work breaks and I work away sometimes).
I can play whilst others use the TV at home.
I prefer to play portrait and can see more detail than on the Xbox with TV (it's not a massive TV, but is 1080).
I can play in bed (my favourite place for gaming).
Tablet has 3 control options (touch, controller, or touch & shake).
I mainly play emulators nowadays, so with a couple of purchases, all my gaming's on one device now.
First access to table releases and beta available for all if desired (android only).

I initially thought I'd buy dlc for both android and xbox, but am so pleased with the tablet I've decided to abandon the xbox recently, drib drab release was the final nail there.
I like the console graphics, but landscape for pinball just doesn't work for me. I'm 6'2" tall so am used to a high up view, I probably wouldn't mind if I was a short arse. :)

I'm sure Farsight will do well with re-release - and I hope you all enjoy it when you get it. But above are my reasons for defection, it's not a sudden loss of patience at the 11th hour. Xbox and TPA have not been a good mix for me.
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New member
Nov 19, 2012
Where did this information come from? Has there been an official announcement from MS?

It's widely known that MS will reveal the next Xbox on E3 this year (and they'd be dumb not to, considering the competition). I'm not sure anyone really knows about a release date for sure, and I wouldn't say 2014 is entirely unlikely, but usually it doesn't take much more than 6 months from an E3 reveal until the actual console release. This is due to various obvious factors, such as exploiting the hype, as well as delaying the public announcement until you actually have some beta software from third party developers to display. I'm absolutely positive that most AAA developers have had a dev kit for a while by now.

Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
Well it's been over a month since we got the newsletter with the announcement of a new publisher and this thread was started, and unfortunately we still don't know any more than we did at that time. I'd love to hear SOMETHING, even if it's just a small little morsel to get us by until we finally get some movement on a new version/DLC coming for the 360.

How about throwing us a bone Farsight? If we can't have any real news, maybe a few screen shots of some of the newer tables on the 360 or something? Anything? Please?

I actually still find myself playing and enjoying TPA on the 360 on a fairly consistent basis, but it's a bummer to see all of these new tables going by and it especially hurts when tournaments are going on and we can't participate. I have an android tablet (ASUS TF300T) and TPA looks great on it, but for me, playing it just doesn't compare to playing on a console. In fact, I find myself not playing it on the tablet much at all because I want to see all of these tables in their full big screen glory.

I'm still being patient and will definitely be there on the glorious day when new TPA content comes to the 360!

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