No New PS3 Tables Today?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Play nice, kids.

So wait, his name calling comment is OK to stay, but my rebuttal in "Q*bert speak" had to be deleted?

I think I'm done here...

No, it doesn't! The delay on the PS3/Vita version is on Sony's end. There's just too many games in certification at the moment, which is slowing things down quite a bit.

What's your source on this?
Last edited:


New member
Sep 9, 2013
No, it doesn't! The delay on the PS3/Vita version is on Sony's end. There's just too many games in certification at the moment, which is slowing things down quite a bit.

Actually wasn't implying that. Season 3 is going ahead on PS4 as scheduled. I was just wondering if, say, from Season 4 onwards, PS3 would be in the same boat as PS4.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I agree, fs are losing money, i'm one of the x360 now ps4 crowd who've simply had enough.
I want fish tales for my GF as she played it a ton at a uk event this past weekend, but am having so many issues with fs and their game on both my platforms, ps3 and 4. i bought s1 on ps4 but lost all my progress when my console needed replacing, and i haven't re installed PBA, morally i feel very strong against FS on how they've treat many loyal customers, but i'd like fishtales for my lady. Decisions vs morals.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I also simply refuse to buy any DLC without trophy support and no matter what anyone thinks about trophies, they're my feelings and my rights.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
I also simply refuse to buy any DLC without trophy support and no matter what anyone thinks about trophies, they're my feelings and my rights.

You can cling to your feelings all you want - it's not going to change the lack of trophies. As for "rights" - well... I'm pretty sure you don't have any of those when it comes to FS's game development... :rolleyes:

So basically you are saying - you're never going to buy tables again, since trophies are gone. That being that case, why are you still hanging around and posting about it? It's not a matter of FS deciding they want to put trophies back in the game. They are all used up and there are no more to be had, as far as TPA is concerned. It's a done deal, and that's the way it is. I'm not going into the whole "why trophies are important to you" argument. Some people dig 'em, some folks can take 'em or leave 'em. I can tell you one thing - trophies have absolutely NOTHING to do with pinball, so they are totally irrelevant IMO, and I think most folks tend to agree. At least, the pin-heads do. Gamers are another breed lol.

If those are in fact, your feelings, then you should probably accept the fact that you are going to be stuck with exactly what you have until you get over it. Fish Tales is a great table - with or without trophies. If you are into it for the pinball, then that's all that matters...


New member
May 23, 2012
Don't feed the trolls

Actually WAIT A FREAKING MINUTE did this goofball say that he has rights to trophies? Please tell me that's not serious...


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Don't feed the trolls

Actually WAIT A FREAKING MINUTE did this goofball say that he has rights to trophies? Please tell me that's not serious...

The right to want trophies and to be upset when they're not available. If I read that correctly, anyway.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
The right to want trophies and to be upset when they're not available. If I read that correctly, anyway.

You gotta fight - For your right - To troooooophies! Wait, that seems off somehow..

Trophies? lol
I really like getting trophies for completing goals.

I think he was saying he's never played well enough to earn any...
Kidding! Kidding! Sheesh.. :p

I like the trophy system as much as the next guy but not playing a game you enjoy because there aren't trophies available is a little silly. For me the true test of a game being good is if I play it even more after the trophies are exhausted. If I'm ready to be done with a game the instant the last trophy pops then I know the game wasn't very good.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I also simply refuse to buy any DLC without trophy support and no matter what anyone thinks about trophies, they're my feelings and my rights.

I miss not having trophies too. It definitely added replayability on tables where you didn't care so much about the score...I.E. Bride of Pin*Bot.

It's not really Farsight' s fault here. I'm not sure if they ever talked to Sony. Perhaps they might have made an exception. Who knows...

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