No New PS3 Tables Today?


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Oh boy...I can see this turning into another "who likes trophies" and "I don't care about trophies" argument. For those that don't like trophies, don't bash people that do! It's their preference. For those who won't buy a game or content because trophies aren't attached to them...well, too bad for you! I love trophies like the next man, but I still buy my tables because I enjoy them. *sigh*


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I like trophies when it adds some additionnal value to a game.

- In adventure/action games: some trophies make you explore every aspect of the game mechanics/design (use some particular weapons, perform some particular actions), finish the game in the hardest difficulty, without losing a life or use continue, etc.
Example: Skyrim, Uncharted, Dead Space

- In exclusively online games: trophies give you a purpose to boost your rank and above all, to have good player stats.
Example: Warhawk, Starhawk (those two online games are almost dead, but I come back from time to time for the (hard and long) trophies).

But I'm not disappointed by the recent lack of trophies in TPA. Why?

Because most of the trophies are silly.

- Top-5 highscores: no challenge, you have it on your first run.
- Standard goals: no challenge, you make it without wanting it (on most of the tables, I don't even know what were the standard goals)
- Wizard goals: except the score-based ones and those where you have to complete a table, there isn't any interest (earn a special? Combo ramps?).

Moreover, in a good game, you can achieve some wizard goals without wanting it too (Lyman's Lament, Whirlwind Mega Door Bonus...)

Instead, I would like to see more goals like time-limit scores or achieve a given score in one ball.

However, I like to see five stars on the wizard goals frame.:p
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New member
Jul 17, 2012
I didn't single you out and/or say you said any of that. So let's get that straightened out! This is for the general consensus of those who bash each one another for liking and disliking trophies. I went at both sides. Thanks...


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Better keep this on topic guys!
So yeah... "No new PS3 tables today" :(

At least there was some happy pin news on the PSN Blog today with Zen announcing they are making the missing ZP2 tables (15 of them!!) available free of charge to import to the PS4 starting July 15th. Sweet. :)


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Better keep this on topic guys!
So yeah... "No new PS3 tables today" :(

At least there was some happy pin news on the PSN Blog today with Zen announcing they are making the missing ZP2 tables (15 of them!!) available free of charge to import to the PS4 starting July 15th. Sweet. :)

I was hoping for an update today, but it was wishful thinking. With the PS4 version of Zen always has tables coming and it's funny people still rate TPA higher. I'm sure we'll get something soon from TPA. At least I hope so. I'm ready to play Whodunnit and the others.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Unlikely to be next week either. I get the feeling Sony keep Zen and TPA releases separate. Fairer for them both, that way. As far as I know they have never shared release dates.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Back the season 1 days, this wasn't the case. TPA and Zen content would release out on the same day. It was almost like clockwork.

Ah, maybe - the release dates would have been different in Europe. We had to wait a bit longer than the US for a few Season 1 packs iirc.


New member
Jan 14, 2014
Just quick question. If i buy this new table paks on ps3/vita on 16th, would i be able to buy them on ps4 week later for discounted price? If yes, does anybody knows how big discount it will be?


New member
Jan 14, 2014
So not much hope for fair price. With discount i would buy vita and ps4 packs, this way i will just buy ps4. Your loss FS, your loss... Greedy one losses twice

The Night Flier

New member
Jun 10, 2014
Going to be epic to get 4 new tables(Whodunniiiiittt!!!) in one big swoop next week, can't wait!And we also got Fish Tales & Black Rose a few weeks ago.Things are finally moving forward again.The next batch of tables around October would be perfect, hopefully including the mighty Bram Stoker's Dracula!
And on top of that TAF is in the works.Good times! :)

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