Given that the tables that were selected are so high ranking was there ever a serious doubt they would not be selected by Farsight to be digitized though, given the number of top 100 tables that have been made already pre-poll.Seriously now....all that happened in the polls is we saw that the popularity is nearly identical to all the other polls for popularity on the web. There are dozens and dozens of top pin lists and they for the most part pretty much echo one another. They vary a bit with placement in their list of where a table is in their top 100, 200, 300 lists. However they do pretty much show up on every list. Monster Bash will be 4 on one list and 2 on another and 15 on another, but they all pretty much have that table on them all. So we kind of already knew what was going to win. It's just the placement number on the list that is the surprise for pretty much all of us.
Then we wind up right where we are today with players not being happy with the tables made. They have top 100 tables, but they want them harder, with more options, with this and that and blah. They games take too long. it's a never ending cycle. The only way to meet both needs is to continue todo what was happening in the first season, mostly. Mix a "Strong" table, usually a DMD era, with a lesser known or older table in the same pack and you cover all your bases. As more table packs add up players wind up with a large variety of tables to play, and they have the complex, epic tables they clamour for in addition to the classic shorter games when they don't want to sit and play 1+ hour games of mode chasing, wood chopping action.I go back to playing 1960's and early 1970's machines, but do I want a ton of them on TPA? HELL NO! Give me a more modern table like Monster Bash or Star Trek The Next Gen any day. I want massive replay value, eye candy, sound, BLING...BLING! You are not going to get bling, bling out of a 1971 Gottlieb table. So a ton of people are voting with their hearts. My heart says I want to play the most complex tables out there. So I have been voting for the most complex tables ever created. I think a lot of us are doing this.
At what point during any of the table pack releases was there the slightest indication that there would be a point that FarSight would stop releasing larger name, newer developed tables. This entire idea is the worst strawman argument.We do need some of the older machines, but we also do not want to miss out on having the tables like The Adams Family, Family Guy, Simpsons, The Party Zone, Corvette and all the other tables that wow us with features.
Except when the poll results show pretty much exactly what was predicted, then the results go with the grain, very often dictating was is happening. No Chaos. No Murphy. Had there been any Murphy's Law, the big name tables that most everyone recognizes would have lost the poll. You do understand how that would be things going wrong for the most number of people, right.Results go against the grain very often from what a poll dictates is going to happen. Chaos theory, and a bit of Murphy's Law.![]()