Table Pack 16: Flight 2000 and Goin' Nuts!


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Sorcerer gets more love from me than any other leftover PHOF tables.

I agree. I played one a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed the machine. I would have thought FarSight would have done this over Victory. I have never played Victory, maybe I'm missing something fun about Victory.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Well I said it before, I buy whatever they release.
But that brought me to the question, what's the worst packet you can think of?
Jive Time & Orbiter ... lol, even Bobby King denied playing Orbiter extensively.

I'll see your Jive Time & Orbitor-1 and raise you a Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball & Hercules...


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'll see your Jive Time & Orbitor-1 and raise you a Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball & Hercules...

Ooh, good one. I think we may have the beginnings of a new thread.

"Worst TPA pak you can imagine."

Go ahead Biff, this is your baby.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Personally, I'm have no problem with this pack. Flight 2000 rules, and you can't judge Goin Nuts by the HOF release. None of those played particularly well. I have no doubt I can get 5 bucks worth of enjoyment out of it.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I think this month's theme is "horrible artwork".

I mean just look at this:

"Space" art is already zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz but last I checked Saturn wasn't supposed to be green. What is this boring scene showing me... Saturn, a ship, an exploding asteroid... There's nothing interesting at all about this playfield. Compare this to something like Gorgar, from the same era. Firepower isn't exactly the Mona Lisa but compared to Flight 2K it might as well be the Sistine Chapel.

Ok what the hell am I looking at. Is this supposed to be a spaceship, or an intergalactic dildo.

Goin Nuts art really speaks for itself. It's the kind of thing again you'd expect to see on the walls of your Kindergarten classroom. To be completely honest and serious for a second, pinball art is amazing. It's almost it's own genre in some cases. And it's one of the things that makes pinball what it is. What machines like Big Shot, Central Park, and Ace High have going for them is that uniquely americana style that defined that era of pinball. It tells a story just by looking at it. It defines classic.

F2K and GN are without a doubt, and this isn't even subjective I'm talking objectively speaking, two of the worst pinballs as far as art, ever. Bar. None.

And yes art is art, I understand that gameplay is what should matter, but it's not like these two are winners there either. Flight 2K does have what appear to be interesting rules, and a unique ball lock/multibal setup I'll give it that. But Goin Nuts? IMO it's quite clear that this table was never put into production for a reason. Pinball rarities like Cactus Canyon or Big Bang Bar have reasons for being rare not related to quality. Just because something is rare doesn't mean it's good, or even interesting...

I think Nuts may have been designed for very young children as a sort of "my first pinball" type of game. Which I could see having a place in the arcade next to a crane game, or perhaps a pinball machine to place in the "kiddie land" section of an amusement park.

I guess... and I'm really, really stretching it here... this would be a good game for say, a 2-4 year old to play as his/her first pinball... but then again, I don't think so because when I was 4 my dad bought our family a Xenon. I used to have to stand on a milk crate to play it. And it's what got me loving pinball at a very early age. Had that game been something with a timer and uninteresting gameplay, I'd probably have grown up hating pinball and thinking every game was this way. So, yeah, even as a childs first pinball I think it's awful. So nevermind...

I joked in the other thread that Goin Nuts was in the same league of awful as Orbitor 1. However, I am changing my tune. Orbitor 1 is a masterpiece compared to Goin Nuts. And if you want an obscure, rare, 'weird' table fix, you'd be much better off with that than something like Nuts.


Jul 11, 2012
Jive Time isn't bad IRL its the PHOF version with floaty physics and useless nudge that makes it bad but GN you can change the physics its not very fun. Id rather have the bowling game even though a 300 is the highest score you can get.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Flight 2000 used to have a lot of fans in the poll thread. Where are they now? :)
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Rudy Yagov

New member
Mar 30, 2012
Jive Time isn't bad IRL its the PHOF version with floaty physics and useless nudge that makes it bad but GN you can change the physics its not very fun. Id rather have the bowling game even though a 300 is the highest score you can get.

I always felt like "floaty" was the wrong word for PHOF physics. When I think of floaty, I think really slow, like walking on the moon.

PHOF is more like ping-pong physics.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Flight 2000 used to have a lot of fans in the poll thread. Where are they now? :)

I'm convinced it was just that one guy and he made hundreds of dummy accounts or something.

Kidding (wait, am I?).

I youtubed Sea Witch and man do I like that one. The music is just a swoosh sound that sounds like the beach/ocean. I like it, the same way I like Gorgar's heartbeat. And the artwork is very good for a Stern. It's a dead horse but man it's a shame it lost the poll.

lol Mark, I think you've made your point.

Lol don't worry, I'm done taking a dump on this pack. For today.

On the bright side, the worst is out of the way. I am glad that these two are taken care of because now, we can focus on the future. Rollercoaster Tycoon, Tales from the Crypt, 8-Ball Deluxe, Tee'd Off, Ace High, Sorcerer, Terminator 2, Addams Family (hopeful and confident on this), and perhaps Road Show, Fish Tales, High Speed since those seem to be rumored as well. The rest of the year is looking awesome, and I can't wait for next year when it's two brand new tables per pack.

When that happens, there will be no excuse not to have two awesome pins in each pack. And I'm surprised more people aren't speculating about how that's going to work. Are they going to up the price of the packs once this happens? Will they start doing single-table packs for 2-3.99 or something? We still have a good 5 months though.
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New member
Sep 18, 2012

I youtubed Sea Witch and man do I like that one. The music is just a swoosh sound that sounds like the beach/ocean. I like it, the same way I like Gorgar's heartbeat. And the artwork is very good for a Stern. It's a dead horse but man it's a shame it lost the poll.

I also voted for Sea Witch in this thread. I like the artwork and design.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
I never thought I'd say this but my interest in TPA and its future is seriously dropping off at the moment because the forthcoming table list has never looked so poor ( to me ). Apart from T2 which despite a rocky start is now looking like its going to make it I have no interest in anything that we know is definitely coming. I'm sure there are plenty of more exciting pins still to come that just havent been announced yet but as the known list stands at the moment I have no excitment at all for future packs.


Nov 9, 2012
Flight 2000 used to have a lot of fans in the poll thread. Where are they now? :)

Personally, I have more of a problem with the fans of the table than I do with the machine. Classic Sterns rock. That said, I smile when I read Mark's posts. :D

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